Thursday, June 04, 2009

Nicaragua mission trip

As some of you who have talked to me recently know, I am soon embarking on a mission trip with Trinity United Methodist church here in Tuscaloosa to Nicaragua where we will be helping to build a house for a family and donating money to a project to bring clean water to thousands more families in the Chacasecra area. We have done a number of fundraising projects toward this effort and have been quite successful. However, each of us is tasked with our own personal fundraising to pay for the trip and I am kindly asking if any of you could help me in this regard. $5, $10, $20, anything you can give will be greatly appreciated and I will email you a receipt for the tax deduction when I return. Any donations can be sent to me via PayPal at I will hammer some nails in your honor.

Thank you very much and God bless.

Johnny K.


1Queens Up1 said...


Imma ship you some when I get home. It will be coming from

Loretta8 said...

great stuff john. my sister is in honduras right now doing similar stuff. best of luck on your trip.